Nothing special.
The kids are doing good. The little ones are showing us how fast they can learn. Ananya is doing well walking in her walker. Prasun never stops talking. I do mean never. The child is singing right now. I'm not sure what the words are but he is singing. Patrick has taught him to make songs up. It's really cute.
Ananya goes for her 4 year check up on Thursday. I'm can tell you what they will say. Head circumference less than 3%, weight less than 3%, height less than 3%. Overall health very good. Developmental milestones severely delayed. I'll get to see if she has gained any more weight. I'm guessing they may refer me to a dietician. If hey try to label her failure to thrive I'm going to laugh. She hasn't gained much weight but she did have a growth spurt a few months ago and got taller. She is starting to try to talk and will sit in the floor "reading" a book.
Friday Prasun goes to see Ananya's orthopeadic doctor. I'm excited. I'm hoping she will decide to do something other than just watch him. We have been doing PT since December. She has done really well with Ananya and I like her so I'm hoping it works out well.
Anthony is doing good. I've made some changes at home that impact how effective we are at homeschool. I've gotten a commitment for 1 more year of homeschooling. Anthony is enjoying what we started working on last week so hopefully it will go well from this point.
I haven't talked much about homeschooling here. I may have to do more talking about it. I really have developed a passion for it. I'm planning on homeschooling the rest of our kids. Poor Anthony gets that curse of all the oldest kids. He experiences all of our screw ups. We do so many things wrong and of course it is always to or with him. I've definitely changed as a parent since we started homeschool. I found yesterday that Patrick is a way better preschool teacher than I am. I'm guessing that he may be the one that teaches Ananya to read. I'll be teaching Prasun. The boy doesn't sit still for 5 minutes if you want him to. He wouldn't sit to play on the computer yesterday, but I put him in the floor with some books and they held his attention for 10-15 minutes.
Well I've got to go. I'll attach some pictures and talk to all of you later.