Hope we can do some more fishing this fall. Wish I could go kayaking. I'm gonna have to wait until the kids are bigger. It goes right on the list with running. One day God willing all of my children will be up and moving on their own and I'll have older kids that can babysit so I can have a hobby or 2. Patrick just works very hard and I hate to take time away from being with him and just dump the kids so I can do what I want to.
Around our house, we started school alittle early. Last week actually. I'm starting slowly. Not the normal, one day no school, the next all of it. Last week about the only thing we did was math. I have Anthony finishing up the book from last year. It's some angles, areas and perimeters. We are also reviewing decimals and things. I just think he needed alittle more review.
This week I am adding reading and Japanese to the math lessons. I've also turned the TV off again. It helps Anthony concentrate and the little ones can amuse themselves otherwise. Next week we will add journaling and spelling. Then I'll add the rest of the stuff.
My goal is to try and come up with a schedule that will work. Trying to work in housework, Anthony's school, therapy for the little ones, and trying to start doing more preschool with the little ones has me stumped. I've spent the last 2 years trying to figure out how to homeschool. I jumped in quickly and then had to figure out what to do next. I have managed to teach Anthony something apparently. Every year he takes the California Achievement Test. Last year, I got results but had no comparison from previous years. This year I could see where he was strong and where he was weak. No surprises. He did really well.
I made a list of field trips. I printed out the soccer schedule for the college in town so we can go to their games. I got Anthony registered for soccer. I found a church we may go to on Wednesday nights. I figure out how to start with Ananya and Prasun. I'm going to teach them the alphabet. I think we are going to learn 2-3 new letters a week. I've got to make some photo pages for each letter. I've got some library books for each letter. I'm pushing the limits some by picking books about ants and clucking cows. Just some words that start with those letters.
I found a great Bible for Anthony. I would recommend it for anyone with boys. It is a graphic bible and reads like a comic book. He read like 30 pages today. Its amazing. It is called Good and Evil: The Bible as a Graphic Novel. I found it here.
I'm excited this year about what we can do. I have alot of things going on. We start our foster care adoption classes tomorrow night. I'm super excited. Anthony will love having another brother or sister, hopefully.
Well, its my bedtime. I've got things to do tomorrow. I'm waiting for Fedex and the mailman as I've ordered things online and am waiting for 3 more deliveries. I love getting mail. I had to order a new Iphone. Mine fell in my Kool-Aid and won't work. I'm addicted to my phone and have been hating Patrick's old one.
Anyways. I really have to go. I'll try to get some new pictures of the kids soon.
Your full plate makes me dizzy! Good luck finding a routine and schedule. Sounds like every minute of every day is booked for you for a long time to come...busy busy hands!!
happy homeschooling!
Julie R
I need to take notes. :) Can't wait to hear about your classes!!!
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